AAAE's two-level program is intended for individuals seeking employment within the airport management profession, for professionals interacting with airport executives, and for airport personnel.
For Prospective Candidates
- Certified Membership
Students, military personnel, and others may become Certified Members (C.M.s). For many, this is the first step to full accreditation.
- Accreditation
Members who complete this program become Accredited Airport Executives, and may use the A.A.E. designation after their names. The standards are high, yet the benefits are many. Find out if you qualify.
For Current Candidates
For Accredited Airport Executives
See also:
Accreditation Contact Staff
If you prefer to phone the AAAE offices at (703) 824-0500, you can reach our Accreditation staff at the following extensions:
Tyra Harpster, Vice President, Accreditation: Ext. 143
Kitty Wheat, Ph.D., Accreditation Manager, Accreditation Programs: Ext. 1002
Cindy DeWitt, Coordinator, Accreditation/Certification Programs: Ext. 148