ATSI Numbers
for ANTN® Programming
October '01
S 300171 ANTN Classics: K-9 Explosives Team Training
S 300160 The Threat Terrorism Poses to Aviation Security, An Overview
S 300161 The Threat Terrorism Poses to Aviation Security,
Terrorist Activities
S 300162 The Threat Terrorism Poses to Aviation Security, A View into the USS Cole
G 600389 Aviation News Today
Federal Holiday (No Broadcast)
S 300113 Airport Security and FAA’s IPT Deployment, Part 1
S 300114 Airport Security and FAA’s IPT Deployment, Part 2
S 300133 Categorizing Badged Individuals: Airport Security at Denver International Airport
G 600390 Aviation News Today
S 300173 ANTN Classics: K-9 Explosives Detection
S 300131 Quality Customer Service at Checkpoints: Airport
Security at Denver International Airport
S 300128 The Denver Challenge
S 300172 The Armed Threat
G 600391 Aviation News Today
S 300174 ANTN Classics: Domestic and International Arrival
A 700245 FEMA-Terrorism Response Exercise at Richmond Int'l Airport, Object of the Drill
A 700246 FEMA-Terrorism Response Exercise at Richmond Int'l Airport, Suspicious Package
A 700247 FEMA-Terrorism Response Exercise at Richmond Int'l Airport, Hostage Situation
G 600392 Aviation News Today
D 300175 ANTN Classics: Handling a VIP
O 700293 Disaster Drill at Boston Logan International Airport, Pre-Drill
O 700294 Disaster Drill at Boston Logan International Airport, Water and Land Rescue
Click here for Program Descriptions and Code Numbers (needed for ordering videotape copies)
If you have any additional questions about ANTN or suggestions for improving this Web site, please E-mail us or call us at (703) 824-0500:
Jim Martin - Staff VP, ANTN/Special Projects
Pat Raker - Staff VP, ANTN
Wayne Miyata - Production Manager, IET
Mike Bachman - Manager, Television Production
Travis Barton - Senior Video Editor, IET
Amy Rolling - Editor
Bill Krumpelman - Chief Photographer
Celeste Ward - Video Editor
Jason Hilton - Customer Support Technician
Jim Saiya - IET System Developer
Hesse Mhango - IET System Developer