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ANTN® Program Descriptions

October '01

Listed in order of Date Available:

ANTN Classics

Enjoy the best of ANTN every Monday, when we pull the most popular programs from the ANTN archives and make them available to you again. This month, look for "K-9 Explosives Team Training" on October 1, "K-9 Explosives Detection" on October 15, "The Armed Threat" on October 18, "Domestic and International Arrival Security" on October 22 and "Handling a VIP" on October 29.

ATSI Categories: S (K-9 Explosives Team Training); S (K-9 Explosives Detection); S (The Armed Threat); S (Domestic and International Arrival Security); S (Handling a VIP)

Available on: October 1 (K-9 Explosives Team Training); October 15 (K-9 Explosives Detection); October 18 (The Armed Threat); October 22 (Domestic and International Arrival Security); October 29 (Handling a VIP)

Code No. 171BO-983 (October 1); 171AE-975974 (October 15); 171K-975 (October 18); 171AY-976975 (October 22); 171V-966 (October 29)

The Threat Terrorism Poses to Aviation Security, Parts 1-3

Taped at the Basic Airport Security and Law Enforcement School in Washington, D.C.. This program features Tom O'Connor, Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation who describes different types of terrorist groups and the threat they pose to US aviation.

ATSI Category: S

Available on: October 2(Part 1); October 3(Part 2); October 4(Part 3)

Code No. 801-017

Airport Security and FAA's IPT Deployment

This program takes a look at basic elements of an Integrated Product Team.

ATSI Category: S

Available on: October 9(Part 1);October 10(Part 2)

Code No. 680-997

Categorizing Badged Individuals: Airport Security at Denver International Airport

This program features Denver International Airport's system of categorizing individuals with various levels of security access at the airport. If you would be interested in having ANTN produce a training video for your airport, please call Jim Martin at (703)824-0500, Ext. 166.

ATSI Category: S

Available on: October 11

Code No. 711-9912

Aviation News Today

Watch AAAE’s weekly news show covering aviation events and the people making the news. It’s a great way to keep up with the latest in aviation policy developments.

ATSI Category: G

Available on: October 5, 12, 19, 26

Code No. ANT-0110 (Include segment date when ordering)

Quality Customer Service at Checkpoints: Airport Security Training at DIA

This program highlights Denver International Airport's efforts to ensure quality customer service at the various security checkpoints throughout the airport. If you would be interested in having ANTN produce a training video for your airport, please call Jim Martin at (703)824-0500, Ext. 166.

ATSI Category: S

Available on: October 16

Code No. 708-9912

The Denver Challenge: Airport Security Training at DIA

ANTN rides along with airport police during a training session on challenging people without badges at Denver International Airport. If you would be interested in having ANTN produce a training video for your airport, please call Jim Martin at (703)824-0500, Ext. 166.

ATSI Category: S

Available on: October 17

Code No. 706-9911

FEMA-Terrorism Response Exercise at Richmond Int’l Airport, Parts 1-3

ANTN was on-site for this drill at Richmond Int'l Airport. The drill evaluates response protocols to a Weapons of Mass Destruction incident. The drill was performed in two phases: a suspicious package call and an automobile accident involving a single car with injuries. If you would be interested in having ANTN document a drill or training exercise for your airport, please call Jim Martin at (703) 824-0500, Ext. 166.

ATSI Category: A

Available on: October 23 (Part 1); October 24 (Part 2); October 25 (Part 3)

Code No. 779-012

Disaster Drill at Boston Logan International Airport, Parts 1 & 2

The drill will take you through a water and land rescue scenario with an aircraft. This program will also feature a pre-drill meeting for all the parties responsible for response during an incident like this.

ATSI Category: A

Available on: October 30 (Part 1); October 31 (Part 2)

Code No. 816-0110

If you have any additional questions about ANTN or suggestions for improving this Web site, please E-mail us or call us at (703) 824-0500:

Jim Martin - Staff VP, ANTN/Special Projects

Pat Raker - Staff VP, ANTN

Wayne Miyata - Production Manager, IET

Mike Bachman - Manager, Television Production

Travis Barton - Senior Video Editor, IET

Amy Rolling - Editor

Bill Krumpelman - Senior Cameraman, IET

Celeste Ward - Video Editor

Jason Hilton - Customer Support Technician

Jim Saiya - IET System Developer

Hesse Mhango - IET System Developer

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