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ANTN® Program Schedule Update100% EDS Screening of Checked Baggage: Information for the Aviation Industry (August 2002) A Transportation Security Administration video, produced by AAAE, which discusses the integration options of Explosive Detection Systems (EDS) and Explosive Trace Detection (ETD) at airports. Code No. 864-027 ATSI No. 300219 75th Annual AAAE Conference & Exposition: TSA Roundtable, Parts 1 & 2 (June 2003) Taped at the 75th Annual AAAE Conference & Exposition in Los Angeles, California, members of TSA Staff discuss their outlook of TSA operations to come during the second half of 2003. Code No. 916-036 ATSI Nos. 300337 (Part 1); 300338 (Part 2) AAAE General Aviation Security Task Force Recommendations (August 2002) AAAE Second Vice Chairman Bill Barkhauer, A.A.E., AAAE Executive Vice President Spencer Dickerson, C.M. and AAAE Staff Vice President of Federal Affairs Joel Bacon discuss the findings of the General Aviation Security Task Force that was set up soon after the Sept. 11 tragedies by the American Association of Airport Executives to give feedback to the TSA on how to improve security at General Aviation Airports. Code No. 872-028 ATSI No. 300221 AAAE Security Summit Legislative Roundtable, Parts 1 - 3 (January 2004) Taped at 3rd Annual AAAE/TSA/DHS Aviation Security Summit in Arlington, VA, this program features Adam Tsao, Aviation Subcommittee House Staff Member and Chris Bertram, Aviation Subcommittee Senate Staff Member. Code No. 971-041 ATSI Nos. 300370 (Part 1); 300371 (Part 2); 300372 (Part 3) AAAE/ACI-NA Summer Legislative Conference, Parts 1-3 (July 2003) This program was taped at the AAAE/ACI-NA Summer Legislative Conference in Washington, DC. Featured is a panel discussion by various congressional staffers, including senate staff member Peter Rogoff, about what they expect to see in the way of aviation issues for the fall 2003 session of Congress. Code No. 927-037 ATSI Nos. 300355 (Part 1); 300356 (Part 2); 300357 (Part 3) Access Control Issues (November 2000) Pete Falcone of the Federal Aviation Administration discusses airport security access issues. Code No. 761-0011 ATSI No. 300144 Access Control Issues and Audits (June 1999) FAA Aviation Security Specialist George Keene discusses what the DOT Inspector General's mission and functions are and how they relate to airport security. Code No. 675-996 ATSI No. 300109 Agency Access (January 1999) Every month, Agency Access gives you a front row seat for a one-on-one interview between AAAE's regulatory affairs staff and a key federal policymaker. Topics will range from safety and security to operations and administration. ANTN subscribers are also invited to send in their suggestions for interview topics! This month features FAA's Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation, Patricia Grace Smith. Code No. 637-991 ATSI No. 300092 Aircraft Confined Space Program: United Airlines, Parts 1-3 (May 2001) Taped at the 11th Annual ARFF Working Group Conference in Dallas, Texas, this program features Robert Dunguay and Larry Hetrick of United Airlines who describe the dangers associated with working in confined spaces in aircraft. Code No. 795-015 ATSI Nos. 300156 (Part 1); 300157 (Part 2); 300158 (Part 3) Airport Security and FAA's IPT Deployment, Parts 1 & 2 (July 1999) Ron Polillo of the FAA describes the process of installing and implementing new technological security equipment at airports and its effectiveness. Code No. 680-997 ATSI Nos. 300113 (Part 1); 300114 (Part 2) Airport Security and the Federal Regulatory Process (June 1999) Rebecca Tuttle of FAA's Office of Civil Aviation Security discusses rulemaking and security program changes. Code No. 670-996 ATSI No. 300108 Airport Security: Hot Topics, Parts 1-3 (August 1999) Admiral Cathal "Irish" Flynn, associate administrator of Civil Aviation Security at the FAA, discusses terrorism, imminent regulatory actions, checked baggage security, employee background investigations and access control training, and Clint Welch, airport security coordinator at San Diego International Airport, details his airport's security enforcement program focusing on employee compliance. Code No. 684-998 ATSI Nos. 300119 (Part 1); 300120 (Part 2); 300121 (Part 3) Airport Security: Screener Effectiveness (May 1999) This FAA produced program stresses the importance of airport screeners in ensuring the safety of airport customers and employees. Code No. 661-995 ATSI No. 300104 Airport Security: Using Technology to Secure the Skies, Parts 1-3 (May 2002) Taped at the forum on Technology and Innovation, this program focuses on new ways to enhance the safety of air travel from a technological standpoint. Featured speakers include Tom Kinton, the Director of Aviation at Massachusetts Port Authority, Jim Dullum, Managing Director for EDS Transportation Global Industry Group, and Raj Nanavati, Partner of the International Biometric Group. Code No. 851-025 ATSI Nos. 300211 (Part 1); 300212 (Part 2); 300213 (Part 3) Aviation Security/Safety/Y2KWhat's on the Horizon?, Parts 1-3 (June 2003) Art Kosatka of TranSecure discusses how security fits into the general system of aviation. Additionally, he outlines the regulatory process and how security policy, legislation, and regulation affect airports. Code No. 919-036 ATSI Nos. 300341 (Part 1); 300342 (Part 2); 300343 (Part 3) Aviation Security/Safety/Y2K: What's on the Horizon?, Parts 1-3 (February 1999) This program addresses the myriad of unanswered questions surrounding aviation safety/security and Y2K challenges. Code No. 641-992 ATSI Nos. 300096 (Part 1); 300097 (Part 2); 300098 (Part 3) Background Checks and the Aviation Security ClearingHouse, Parts 1-3 (July 2003) Taped at the Airport Security Coordinator Training School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Eric Whisman, Director of the Aviation Security Clearinghouse, and Tim Long, VP of Strategic Markets for Choicepoint, INC., discuss the new processes and developments that the Clearinghouse is using to complete security background checks for airport employees. Code No. 923-037 ATSI Nos. 300348 (Part 1); 300349 (Part 2); 300350 (Part 3) Basic Security Awareness (August 2002) "Basic Security Awareness" is the first in a series that addresses security awareness with airport employees. This basic program is targeted toward new hires and employees who are just getting started with jobs in the airport environment. It lays the foundation for airport security being a team effort and that no matter what job you have at the airport, you play an important role. It emphasizes paying attention to what is going on around you and reporting things that are unusual or out of place. Code No. 870-028 ATSI No. 300220 Categorizing Badged Individuals: Airport Security Training at Denver International Airport (December 1999) This program features Denver International Airport's system of categorizing individuals with various levels of security acces at the airport. Code No. 711-9912 ATSI No. 300133 Communicating Security Issues to Vendors and Tenants: Airport Security Training at Denver International Airport (December 1999) ANTN documents Denver International Airport's efforts to educate vendors and tenants on airport security issues. Code No. 707-9912 ATSI No. 300130 Considerations in Developing an Airport Plan, Parts 1-3 (August 2001) Taped at the NTSB/AAAE Airport Family Assistance Workshop in Washington D.C. Robert Donahue, deputy chief at Boston Logan Int'l Airport, Steve Silverhart, A.A. E., general manager of the operations control centre at Greater Toronto Airport Authority and Janie Guthrie, assistant to the airport manager at Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, talk in depth about how to create a useful plan for family assistance duing an incident at an airport. Code No. 805-018 ATSI Nos. 300164 (Part 1); 300165 (Part 2); 300166 (Part 3) Consortia: Issues, Guidelines and Developments (December 1998) Donna Krimski of FAA's Civil Aviation Security division explains the objective of the airport security consortia which the White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security recommended be established. Code No. 628-9812 ATSI No. 300086 Credentialing and Key Priorities, parts 1 & 2 (February 2004) Taped at 3rd Annual AAAE/TSA/DHS Aviation Security Summit in Arlington, VA, this program features Acting Director of Credentialing Program Office in TSA, Justin Oberman and VP of Enterprise Solution with MAXIMUS, Jeremy Grant discussing key TSA policies for the 2004 year and how they affect the industry. Code No. 974-042 ATSI No. 300376 (Part 1), 300377 (Part 2) DHS Perspectives (February 2004) Taped at 3rd Annual AAAE/TSA/DHS Aviation Security Summit in Arlington, VA, this program features Sametla Klinetob, Director of Transportation Security Policy at Department of Homeland Security. She discusses DHS's perspective on various aviation issues that affect the industry. Code No. 975-042 ATSI Nos. 300378 Domestic Terrorism and Your Airport: The Roll of the FBI, parts 1 & 2 2000 Basic Airport Security School (October 2000) Special Agents Chuck Hoit and Tom O'Connor of the FBI discuss different characteristics of terrorism groups throughout the world, and the threat they pose to airports. Code No. 756-0010 ATSI Nos. 300139 (Part 1); 300140 (Part 2) Driver training at the nations airports (February 2003 - Present) Visit multiple airports nationwide and see the various training methods used for new employees learning to drive on the movement and non-movement areas of the airport. Code Nos. 902-032 (Port Columbus), ATSI No. 300232; 907-033 (Tampa), ATSI No. 300328; 911-034 (Northwest Arkansas), ATSI No. 300332; 914-035 (Port Columbus Gate Access), ATSI No. 300336; 930-038 (San Jose), ATSI No. 300358 Economic Business and Financial Outlook, After September 11, 2001 Events (November 2001) Taped at the AAAE, FAA, and DOT Aviation Security Summit in Washington D.C. Steve Steckler, President of the Infrastructure Management Group, Inc. talks about the financial expectations of the aviation industry for the upcoming year. Code No. 818-0111 ATSI No. 300177 FAA Perspectives on Security Policy and Funding, Parts 1 & 2 (November 2001) Taped at the AAAE, FAA, and DOT Aviation Security Summit in Washington D.C. Ross Hamory, Director of Civil Aviation Security Operations for the FAA, Lee Longmire Director of Civil Aviation Security Policy for the FAA and Catherine Lang, Director of Airport Planning & Programming for the FAA talk about new security policies in place within our aviation system and also discuss ideas about wear money will come from to support these policies. Code No. 820-0111 ATSI Nos. 300179 (Part 1); 300180 (Part 2) FAA Reauthorization, Parts 1-3 (August 2003) Taped at the AAAE/ACI-NA Summer Legislative Conference in Washington D.C., this discussion panel takes a look at the present and future of FAA Reauthorization. Code No. 931-038 ATSI Nos. 300359 (Part 1); 300360 (Part 2); 300361 (Part 3) General Aviation Security, Part 1 & 2 (February 2004) Taped at 3rd Annual AAAE/TSA/DHS Aviation Security Summit in Arlington, VA, this program features Pam Hamilton, Director of Aviation Initiatives at TSA and Henry Ogrodzinski, President of NASCO. Together they discuss pertinent General Aviation Security topics. Code No. 976-042 ATSI No. 300379 (Part 1); 300380 (Part 2) General Aviation Security and Air Traffic Perspective (November 2001) Taped at the AAAE, FAA, and DOT Aviation Security Summit in Washington D.C.. Steven J. Brown, Associate Administrator for Air Traffic Services for the FAA talks about new methods of security for General Aviation Airports. Code No. 821-0111 ATSI No. 300182 General Aviation Security Showcase: Morristown Municipal Airport (December 2001) Bill Barkhauer, A.A.E., Airport Director of Morristown Municipal Airport in Morristown, New Jersey and Bob Bogan, A.A.E., Deputy Director of Morristown Municipal Airport outline steps that have been taken at their airport to increase security. Code No. 823-0112 ATSI No. 300187 General Aviation Security Showcase: Teterboro Airport (December 2001) Lanny D. Rider, manager of Teterboro Airport in Teterboro, New Jersey outlines the steps that have been taken at Teterboro airport to increase security. Code No. 827-0112 ATSI No. 300191 Improving Airport Safety & Efficiency Using GPS-Based Vehicle Navigation & Tracking, Parts 1 & 2 (May 1999) Ted Grant, director of product development at Galaxy Scientific Corporation, talks about the application of GPS technology at airports and how it can improve safety and efficiency. Code No. 664-995 ATSI No. 300105 (Part 1); 300106 (Part 2) Incident Management for Aviation Security Incidents, Part 1 & 2 (June 2003) Airports are required in both Part 139 of the FARs and Part 1542 of the TSARs. This section highlights the need for greater coordination between agencies when responding to aviation incidents. There is also a focus on the Airport Emergency Plan and the role of security in that plan. Code No. 920-036 ATSI No. 300344 (Part 1); 300345 (Part 2) Increased Security and Economic Relief, Parts 1 & 2 (April 2003) Taped at the AAAE/ACI-NA Spring Washington Conference in Washington D.C. House Aviation Subcommittee Member Ellen Tauscher and House Transportation and Infrastructure Ranking Member Jim Oberstar discuss the tough funding decisions that Congress faces, the fact that federal security mandates should be a priority, and views on airline economic relief. Code No. 909-034 ATSI Nos. 300330 (Part 1), 300331 (Part 2) Joint Threat Vulnerability Assessments (December 1998) Robert Raffel, federal security manager for the FAA in Orlando, gives an overview of the joint FAA-FBI vulnerability analysis project that he has led for the last year and a half in Orlando. Code No. 630-9812 ATSI No. 300087 Law Enforcement Credentials, parts 1-3 (October 2000) Bob Cammaroto, assistant manager of the Policy Division for the FAA, familiarizes his audience with the proper credentials for Law Enforcement Agents and explains how to detect false credentials. Code No. 759-0010 ATSI Nos. 300141 (Part 1); 300142 (Part 2); 300143 (Part 3) Operation Prometheus: Boston/Logan Int'l Airport Dirty Bomb Drill (June 2003) ANTN was on the spot for this drill that focuses on a dirty bomb disaster exercise as well as operations, investigation procedures and critical evidence retrieval. Code No. 918-036 ATSI No. 300340 Overview of FAR Part 107, Parts 1 & 2 (August 1999) Sandra Hansen of the FAA reviews some of the history of aviation security and discusses the key FAR Part 107 requirements. Code No. 688-998 ATSI Nos. 300122 (Part 1); 300123 (Part 2) Overview of FAR Part 139, Parts 1 & 2 (June 1999) Ben Castellano, manager of Safety and Compliance at FAA, reviews the specifics of Part 139. Code No. 676-996 ATSI Nos. 300110 (Part 1); 300111 (Part 2) Pensacola Regional Airport Disaster Drill, Parts 1 & 2 (March 2003) Taped at Pensacola Regional Airport in Pensacola, Florida, this program will discuss the basis for setting up a training drill at an airport as well as recap the training drill that was performed at Pensacola Regional Airport. Code No. 901-032 ATSI Nos. 300230 (Part 1), 300231 (Part 2) Physical Vehicle Inspection (July 2002) This training video produced by AAAE helps airports identify potential vehicle bombs. It demonstrates various methods for reacting to the problems and hazards when protecting the public. It also provides guidance for following the federal law that requires a 300 ft safety zone in front of airports. Code No. 863-027 ATSI Nos. 300055 Quality Customer Service at Checkpoints: Airport Security Training at DIA (December 1999) This program highlights Denver International Airport's efforts to ensure quality customer service at the various security checkpoints throughout the airport. Code No. 708-9912 ATSI No. 300131 Regulatory Review (May 1998 - November 1999) Each episode of "Regulatory Review" contains an updated report of federal regulatory issues and actions that are likely to impact your airport. In addition to a rundown of regulatory headlines and a special ARFF report, each "Review" also includes a topical newsmaker interview with individuals directly responsible for promoting, producing or enforcing aviation regulations. This month's interview features Charles Lovinski, Manager of FAA's Dangerous Goods Program. The second episode features Tom Brown of ATA. The third and fourth episodes features Ray Long of FAA's Year 2000 Program. The seventh episode features Christopher Hart of FAA's Office of System Safety. Code Nos. 577-985, ATSI No. 300069; 577A-986, ATSI No. 300072; 577B-987, ATSI No. 300074; 577C-987, ATSI No. 300076; 577D-989, ATSI No. 300080; 577E-9810, ATSI No. 300082; 577F-9811, ATSI No. 300085; 577G-9812; ATSI No. 300091; 577H-991, ATSI No. 300093; 577I-992, ATSI No. 300099; 577J-993, ATSI No. 300102; 577K-994, ATSI No. 300103; 577L-995, ATSI No. 300107; 577M-996, ATSI No. 300112; 577N-997, ATSI No. 300118; 577O-998, ATSI No. 700182; 577P-999, ATSI No. 300125; 577Q-9910, ATSI No. 300127; 577R-9911, ATSI No. 300129 Runway Incursion Technologies (April 2001) Taped at the Runway Incursion Workshop in Washington D.C., this program features, Dave Ford of the Federal Aviation Administration, who discusses technology that is available to help prevent runway incursions. Code No. 787-014 ATSI No. 300154 Security and Airport Design Roundtable, Parts 1-3 (December 2001) Paul Bollinger, vice president of aviation client services at HNTB, sat down with industry professionals, airport designers and different members of the media to discuss security issues related to the events on September 11, 2001. This roundtable focuses on new types of airport designs and concerns for existing airport designs as they relate to security precautions that must now be taken. Code No. 825-0112 ATSI Nos. 300188 (Part 1); 300189 (Part 2); 300190 (Part 3) Security Concerns for Wireless Applications at Airports, Parts 1-3 (March 2003) Taped at the Second Annual Wireless Airport Association Conference and Exposition, in Washington D.C. Kevin Barry, Wireless Network Design Engineer at SITA, Sridhar Solur, Global Solutions Principal, Wireless and Security Solutions at Hewlett Packard, and Andrew Kemmetmueller, Product Manager, Wireless Applications Network Applications Division at ARINC, address some of the major security concerns of using wireless technology at Airports. Code No. 905-033 ATSI Nos. 300325 (Part 1); 300326 (Part 2); 300327 (Part 3) Security Concerns for Wireless Applications at Airports, Parts 1-3 (December 2003) Taped at 3rd Annual Wireless Airport Association Conference and Exposition in Washington, D.C., this panel discussion features Royce Kincaid of Northrop Grumman, Anthony Cerino of Transportation Security Administration. Together they discuss security issues and concerns for those dealing with wireless applications at an airport. Code No. 965-0312 ATSI Nos. 300363 (Part 1); 300364 (Part 2); 300365 (Part 3) Security Strategy Session: Security Operations, Parts 1 & 2 (November 2001) Taped at the AAAE, FAA, and DOT Aviation Security Summit in Washington D.C. Carter Morris, Staff VP of Regulatory Affairs for AAAE moderates a panel that discusses Background Investigations, National Guard Deployments, and SCA-3 Requirements. Code No. 822-0111 ATSI Nos. 300184 (Part 1); 300185 (Part 2) Security Technology Showcase, Parts 1-4 (November 2001) Taped at the AAAE, FAA, and DOT Aviation Security Summit in Washington D.C. This four part series features interviews with various security companies and discusses products that they offer to better our aviation security system. Code No. 819-0111 ATSI Nos. 300178 (Part 1); 300181 (Part 2); 300183 (Part 3); 300186 (Part 4) Security Update: An Overview (April 2002) Taped at the Annual AAAE/ACI-NA Spring Washington Conference in Washington DC. Stephen McHale, Deputy Under Secretary, Transportation Security Administration, discusses the steps the TSA is taking in regards to Federal Screeners, Federal Security Directors, and the implementation of EDS equipment. Code No. 847-024 ATSI No. 300304 SIDA Training at Chicago O'Hare International Airport (October 1999) This ANTN production covers badging, access, piggybacking, challenge, and more. Code No. 702-9910 ATSI No. 300126 SIDA Training at Dulles International Airport (January 2001) This ANTN production covers badging, access, piggybacking, challenge, and more. Code No. 775-011 ATSI No. 300149 SIDA Training at the Nations Airports (February 2003 - Present) Visit multiple airports nationwide and see the various security training methods used for new airport employees. Code Nos. 896-032 (Baltimore/Washington), ATSI No. 300227; 903-033 (Savannah), ATSI No. 300324; 908-034 (Northwest Arkansas), ATSI No. 300329; 912-035 (NW Arkansas Proper Display of an ID Badge), ATSI No. 300333; 917-036 (Port Columbus), ATSI No. 300339; 937-038, (San Jose), ATSI No. 300362 Technology and Integration Perspectives (January 2004) Taped at 3rd Annual AAAE/TSA/DHS Aviation Security Summit in Arlington, VA, this program features Rick Stephens, President of Shared Services Group with the Boeing Company as he discusses technology and integration in the nations' airports. Code No. 972-041 ATSI Nos. 300373 (Part 1); 300374 (Part 2); 300375 (Part 3) Terrorism Drill at Charlottesville Albemarle Airport, Parts 1-3 (March 2001) ANTN was on-site for the terrorism drill at Charlottesville Albemarle Airport. This drill focuses on different types of terrorism threats and the proper ways to handle them. Code No. 784-013 ATSI Nos. 300151 (Part 1); 300152 (Part 2); 300153(Part 3) Terrorism in the Aviation Industry, Parts 1-3 (March 2002) Taped at the 12th annual ARFF Working Group Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. Gunnar Kupper, Chief of Operations for the Emergency and Disaster Management, Inc. discusses different forms of terrorism threats to the aviation industry. Code No. 839-023 ATSI Nos. 300195 (Part 1); 300196 (Part 2); 300197 (Part 3) The Captain Jeppesen Story (September 2001) This video tells the story of aviation pioneer Captain Elrey B. Jeppesen and his significant contributions to air navigation and safety. Code No. 810-019 ATSI No. 500276 The Denver Challenge: Airport Security Training At DIA (November 1999) ANTN rides along with airport police during a training session on challenging people without badges at Denver International Airport. Code No. 706-9911 ATSI No. 300128 The History of Civil Aviation Security & the role of tsa in Aviation Security (July 2003) Taped at the Airport Security Coordinator Training School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Craig Williams, C.M., AAAE Staff Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, discusses aviation's history in regards to Security regulations and the current role that TSA plays in today's aviation security. Code No. 925-037 ATSI No. 300354 The Honorable Jane Garvey, Thoughts on Security (November 2001) Taped at the AAAE, FAA, and DOT Aviation Security Summit in Washington D.C. FAA Administrator Jane Garvey discusses her views on actions that have been taken to help improve security within our nation's aviation system. Code No. 817-0111 ATSI No. 300176 The New World of Aviation Security, Parts 1-3 (May 2002) Taped at the Annual AAAE/ACI-NA Spring Washington Conference in Washington DC. Rob Chamberlin and Sam Whitehorn, Senate Aviation Subcommittee, and David Schaffer and Stacie Soumbeniotis, House Aviation Subcommittee, go head to head in a discussion on new developments and procedures in Aviation Security. Code No. 850-025 ATSI Nos. 300208 (Part 1); 300209 (Part 2); 300210 (Part 3) The Role of TSA & The Federal Security Director, Parts 1 & 2 (May 2003) This series reviews the roles the TSA and the Federal Security Director take at your airport Code No. 913-035 ATSI Nos. 300334 (Part 1); 300335 (Part 2) The Threat Terrorism Poses to Aviation Security, Parts 1-3 (July 2001) Taped at the Basic Airport Security and Law Enforcement School in Washington, D.C.. This program features Tom O'Connor, Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation who describes different types of terrorist groups and the threat they pose to US aviation. Code No. 801-017 ATSI Nos. 300160 (Part 1); 300161 (Part 2); 300162 (Part 3) The Uncertain Environment For Air Travel, Parts 1-3 (May 2002) Taped at the 27th Annual FAA Commercial Aviation Forecast Conference in Washington DC. David Plavin, President of the ACI-NA, Kevin Mitchell, Chairman of the Business Travel Coalition, and Ed Greenslet of ESG Aviation Services, discuss the concerns and future of air travel with regards to airport security, business travel, and commercial capacity/fleets. Code No. 849-025 ATSI Nos. 300205 (Part 1); 300206 (Part 2); 300207 (Part 3) Town Hall Security Meeting, Parts 1-3 (January 2002) Taped at the F. Russell Hoyt National Airports Conference in Tucson, AZ. Chip Barclay, president of AAAE is joined by Charlotte Bryan, manager of the airport operations division of civil aviation security for the FAA and Woodie Woodward, acting associate administrator for airports for the FAA to discuss a broad range of security topics. Code No. 833-021 ATSI Nos. 300192 (Part 1); 300193 (Part 2); 300194 (Part 3) TSA Aviation Security regulations, Parts 1 & 2 (July 2003) Taped at the Airport Security Coordinator Training School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Art Kosatka provides an in-depth review of the new security regulations that the TSA has implemented in regards to aviation. Code No. 922-037 ATSI Nos. 300346 (Part 1); 300347 (Part 2) TSA Perspectives on Policy Operations, Parts 1 & 2 (December 2003) Taped at 3rd Annual AAAE/TSA/DHS Aviation Security Summit in Arlington, VA, this program explains TSA's perspectives on policy operations. Code No. 967-0312 ATSI Nos. 300367 (Part 1); 300368 (Part 2) TSA Update, Parts 1 & 2 (December 2003) Taped at 3rd Annual AAAE/TSA/DHS Aviation Security Summit in Arlington, VA, this program brings the viewer up to date on TSA policies. Code No. 966-0312 ATSI Nos. 300369 (Part 1); 300366 (Part 2) Weapons of Mass Destruction, Parts 1 & 2 (November 2000) This program features a detailed look into the safety issues that airports have to consider when dealing with weapons of mass destruction. Jack Plaxe of Counter Technology Inc., discusses what measures to take for security purposes. Code No. 765-0011 ATSI Nos. 300145 (Part 1); 300146 (Part 2) Weapons of Mass Destruction: Raising Airport Awareness, Parts 1-3 (July 1999) Kyle Olson, project manager at Research Planning, Inc., explains the initiatives that the various federal agencies have taken to protect airports from the worldwide terrorist threat. Code No. 683-997 ATSI Nos. 300115 (Part 1); 300116 (Part 2); 300117 (Part 3) If you have any additional questions about ANTN or suggestions for improving this Web site, please E-mail us or call us at (703) 824-0500: Jim Martin - Staff VP, ANTN/Special Projects Pat Raker - Staff VP, ANTN Wayne Miyata - Production Manager, IET Mike Bachman - Manager, Television Production Travis Barton - Senior Video Editor, IET Amy Rolling - Editor Bill Krumpelman - Senior Cameraman, IET Celeste Ward - Video Editor Jason Hilton - Customer Support Technician Jim Saiya - IET System Developer Hesse Mhango - IET System Developer