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2000 FAA Runway Safety National Summit: DOT Inspector General's View
(September 2000)
US-DOT Inspector General Ken Mead summarizes the steps that need to be taken to reduce the amount of runway incursions at airports.
Code No. 754-009
ATSI No. 600322

2002 AAAE Annual Conference: Executive Committee Showcase Interviews, Parts 1&2

(June 2002)
Taped at the 74th Annual AAAE Conference and Exposition in Dallas, Texas. Eryn Travis, Director of Communications, Federal Affairs for AAAE, sits down with several members of the AAAE Board of Directors . Part one features Jim Koslosky, Chair, and Bonnie Allin, Second Vice Chair. Part two includes interviews with William Barkhauer, Secretary/Treasurer, Larry Cox, First Past Chair, and James Morasch, Second Past Chair.
Code No. 856-026
ATSI Nos. 600425 (Part 1); 600426 (Part 2)

A Tribute to the Fallen Heroes of September 11th, 2001, Parts 1-3

(September 2002)
Taped at the 13th Annual ARFF Working Group Conference in Kansas City, Missouri. Harold Ness, 1st Vice Chair , ARFF Working Group, remembers the events of September 11th and the many individuals who sacrificed their lives to help.
Code No. 874-029
ATSI Nos. 600441 (Part 1); 600442 (Part 2); 600443 (Part 3)

Air-21 Funding Provisions, Parts 1 & 2

(April 2000)
What do the funding provisions of the AIR-21 bill really mean? This session taped at AAAE's 2000 Washington Conference answers that question and more about the important aviation legislation.
Code No. 728-004
ATSI Nos. 600302 (Part 1); 600303 (Part 2)

Air-21: Slots, Air Service and Competition, Parts 1 & 2

(April 2000)
This program which was also taped at AAAE's 2000 Washington Conference is a follow up to "AIR-21's Funding Provisions, Parts 1 & 2" and explains other provisions of the AIR-21 bill.
Code No. 730-004
ATSI No. 600305 (Part 1); 600306 (Part 2)

Airline Perspective on Next-Generation Aviation Technology, Parts 1-3
Chicago Aviation Technology Symposium

(October 2000)
James Miller and Tom Graff of United Airlines, and Rich Grew of American Airlines talk about the latest and greatest improvements in aviation technology.
Code No. 757-0010
ATSI Nos. 600335 (Part 1); 600336 (Part 2); 600336 (Part 3)

Airlines: Developments, Challenges, and Opportunities, Parts 1-3

(December 2002)
Taped at the 2nd Annual Wireless Airport Association Conference and Exposition in Washington D.C. Tom Fulton, Director of Electronic Commerce for the Air Transportation Association, Bill Heppner, Director of System Integration for Alaska Airlines, and Kathleen Zarracina, Manager of Network Planning at Northwest Airlines, address the many developments, challenges, and opportunities facing airlines and airports in the today's fast paced and technologically driven world.
Code No. 890-0212
ATSI Nos. 600458 (Part 1), 600459 (Part 2), 600460 (Part 3)

An Interview with Enrique Iglesias

(August 2002)
In this interview ANTN correspondent, Margie Tower sits down with Enrique Iglesias, The President of Inter-American Development Bank.
Code No. 869-028
ATSI No. 600437

Changing of the Guard: AAAE's New Chairman
AAAE's 72nd Annual Conference

(July 2000)
Former AAAE Chairman James Morasch, A.A.E., hands over the gavel to new AAAE Chairman Larry Cox A.A.E., at AAAE's 72nd Annual Conference in Baltimore, MD.
Code No. 744-007
ATSI No. 600322

Congressional Leaders Forum: Chairman John Mica

(August 2003)
Taped at the AAAE/ACI-NA Summer Legislative Conference in Washington D.C., Chairman John Mica (R-FL), of the House Aviation Subcommittee, shares his thoughts on the state of aviation.
Code No. 932-038
ATSI No. 600499

Congressional Leaders Forum: Chairman Ernest Istook, House Transportation, Treasury, & Independent Agencies Subcommittee

(September 2003)
Taped at the AAAE/ACI-NA Summer Legislative Conference in Washington D.C. Chairman Ernest Istook (R-OK), House Transportation, Treasury & Independent Agencies Subcommittee, shares his thoughts on the state of the aviation industry.
Code No. 938-039
ATSI No. 600504

Congressional Leaders Forum: Senator Byron Dorgan, Senate Transportation, Treasury, & General Government & Senate Aviation Subcommittees

(September 2003)
Taped at the AAAE/ACI-NA Summer Legislative Conference in Washington D.C. Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND), Senate Transportation, Treasury & General Government & Senate Aviation Subcommittees, shares his thoughts on the state of the aviation industry.
Code No. 943-039
ATSI No. 600506

GA Focus

(January 2004)
Taped at the AAAE headquarters in Washington, D.C. Bill Barkhauer, A.A.E., airport director at Morristown Municipal Airport in New Jersey, interviews Carter Morris, Vice President of Transportation Security Policy at AAAE. Together they discuss what general aviation can expect to see in the year of 2004
Code No. 968-0412
ATSI No. 600530

Highlights of the Annual Wright Brothers Memorial Dinner Honoring John Glenn, Parts 1 & 2

(January 2004)
Taped at the Annual Wright Brothers Memorial Dinner at Ronald Reagan National Airport in Arlington, VA, this program features highlights of the ceremony that honors retired Sen. John Glenn for his accomplishments. Among those featured include Sen. Tom Daschle and Sen. John Glenn.
Code No. 969-0412
ATSI No. 600531 (Part 1); 600532 (Part 2)

Legislative Update

(November 2003 to Present)
Grassroots Communications Manager for AAAE/ACI-NA Legislative Affairs, Bess Stembler, discusses legislative action that is in the works for Congress during the upcoming month.
Code Nos. 941-039, ATSI No. 600502; 955-0311, ATSI No. 600515; 973-042, ATSI No. 600533

Potential Alternatives to Commercial Air Travel, Parts 1 & 2

(April 2003)
Taped at the 28th Annual FAA Aviation Forecast Conference in Washington D.C. David Carol, Vice President of Amtrak and Dennis Keith, President of Jet Solutions talk about the benefits of train verse plane for short distance travel as well as various financial issues facing the aviation industry.
Code No. 910-034
ATSI Nos. 600477 (Part 1), 600478 (Part 2)

The Honorable Jeffrey N. Shane, Under Secretary of Transportation of Policy

(August 2003)
Taped at the AAAE/ACI-NA Summer Legislative Conference in Washington D.C. Jeffrey N. Shane, Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy, provides opening remarks and an overview of topics for the 2003 conference.
Code No. 928-038
ATSI Nos. 600496

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