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ANTN® Program Schedule Update

Please pass on the following information to all ATSI participants at your airport!

(all program times are Eastern Time)


New! Friday, June 6, 2004: This week on Aviation News Today: Aviation News Today correspondent Todd Hauptli interviews House Homeland Security Appropriations Ranking Democrat Martin Sabo about FY05 Appropriations from the legislative point of view. Then, Hauptli and ANTN correspondent Joel Bacon discuss the issue from the airport point of view.

Category "G"; ATSI #600561

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Jim Martin - Staff VP, ANTN/Special Projects

Pat Raker - Staff VP, ANTN

Wayne Miyata - Production Manager, IET

Mike Bachman - Manager, Television Production

Travis Barton - Senior Video Editor, IET

Amy Rolling - Editor

Bill Krumpelman - Senior Cameraman, IET

Celeste Ward - Video Editor

Jason Hilton - Customer Support Technician

Jim Saiya - IET System Developer

Hesse Mhango - IET System Developer

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