ANTN® Program DescriptionsMay '01Listed in order of Date Available:New Trends in Food And Beverage Services at Airports, Parts 1-3Taped at the 2000 Airport Retail Conference in San Diego, this program features Peter Boudreau, vice president of support services for CA One, Patricia Miller-Anton, president of Anton Airfood, and Julie Giuffrida, senior associate for Cini-Little who discuss the latest trends in airport food and beverage services. ATSI Category: D Available on: May 1 (Part 1); May 2 (Part 2); May 3 (Part 3) Code No. 792-015 Aviation News TodayWatch AAAE’s weekly news show covering aviation events and the people making the news. It’s a great way to keep up with the latest in aviation policy developments. ATSI Category: G Available on: May 4, 11, 18, 25 Code No. ANT-015 (Include segment date when ordering) ANTN ClassicsEnjoy the best of ANTN every Monday, when we pull the most popular programs from the ANTN archives and make them available to you again. This month, look for “Federal Inspection Station” on May 7, “Open Air Terminal” on May 14, and “Aircraft Pushback Policies” on May 21. ATSI Categories: S (Federal Inspection Station); O (Open Air Terminal); O (Aircraft Pushback Policies) Available on: May 7 (Federal Inspection Station); May 14 (Open Air Terminal); May 21 (Aircraft Pushback Policies) Code No. 171AV-961 (May 7); 171AV-961 (May 14); 171BW-985 (May 21) Handling the Media During an Environmental Incident, Parts 1-3Taped at the 10th Annual National Aviation Environmental Management Conference in Dallas, Texas, this program features David A. Fuscus, president of Xenophon Strategies, who discusses the best methods of handling the media during an environmental incident. ATSI Category: E Available on: May 8 (Part 1); May 9 (Part 2); May 10 (Part 3) Code No. 793-015 An Air Traffic Controller’s Perspective of ARFF, Parts 1-3Taped at the 11th Annual ARFF Working Group Conference in Dallas, Texas, this program features Thomas Farrier, national safety coordinator of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, who suggests ways for ARFF departments and air traffic controllers to work together during an emergency airport incident. ATSI Category: A Available on: May 15 (Part 1); May 16 (Part 2); May 16 (Part 3) Code No. 794-015 Aircraft Confined Space Program (United Airlines), Parts 1-3Taped at the 11th Annual ARFF Working Group Conference in Dallas, Texas, this program features Robert Dunguay and Larry Hetrick of United Airlines who describe the dangers associated with working in confined spaces in aircraft. ATSI Category: S Available on: May 22 (Part 1); May 23 (Part 2); May 24 (Part 3) Code No. 795-015 Emergency One HPR 8x8 Demonstration at Los Angeles International Airport, Parts 1 & 2ANTN was in Los Angeles for this demonstration of Emergency One’s HPR 8 x 8 truck. The demonstration covers the proper way to operate the featured truck. ATSI Category: A Available on: May 29 (Part 1); May 30 (Part 2) Code No. 796-015 Human Resources Issues, Episode 15In the 15th installment of this monthly series, host Craig Williams of AAAE and Joseph Kalet, assistant general counsel at Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, explore airport human resources issues. ATSI Category: D Available on: May 31 Code No. 727N-015 If you have any additional questions about ANTN or suggestions for improving this Web site, please E-mail us or call us at (703) 824-0500: Jim Martin - Staff VP, ANTN/Special Projects Pat Raker - Staff VP, ANTN Wayne Miyata - Production Manager, IET Mike Bachman - Manager, Television Production Travis Barton - Senior Video Editor, IET Amy Rolling - Editor Bill Krumpelman - Senior Cameraman, IET Celeste Ward - Video Editor Jason Hilton - Customer Support Technician Jim Saiya - IET System Developer Hesse Mhango - IET System Developer