ANTN® Program DescriptionsJune '02Listed in order of Date Available:ANTN ClassicsEnjoy the best of ANTN every Monday, when we pull the most popular programs from the ANTN archives and make them available to you again. This month, look for: "Rescue Boat Selection with the Emphasis on Air Boats", "Basic Inspection of Vehicles for Ramp Operation", "Proper Fitting and Testing of Regulators and Mulching Trees", and "Weed Control, Using Recycled Asphalt, and GA Refueling". ATSI Categories: S (Rescue Boat Selection with the Emphasis on Air Boats); O (Basic Inspection of Vehicles for Ramp Operation ); E (Proper Fitting and Testing of Regulators and Mulching Trees); O (Weed Control, Using Recycled Asphalt, and GA Refueling). Available on: June 3 (Rescue Boat Selection with the Emphasis on Air Boats); June 10 (Basic Inspection of Vehicles for Ramp Operation); June 17 (Proper Fitting and Testing of Regulators and Mulching Trees); June 24 (Weed Control, Using Recycled Asphalt, and GA Refueling). Code No. 171AI-973972 (June 3); 171BM-982 (June 10); 171G-962 (June 17); 171AB-968 (June 24). GA Focus from the 74th Annual Conference and Exposition, Parts 1 & 2Taped at the 74th Annual AAAE Conference and Exposition in Dallas, Texas. Tracy Means, Director of Airports for the City of San Diego, Montgomery, and Brown Field, and the Chair for the AAAE Non-Hub/GA Airports Committee, talks with Mike Boggs, Manager of Airport Business Services for Mead Hunt Inc., about air service development with a focus on the Airline Travel Bank. In part two, Tracy speaks with Bobbie Thompson of Airport Business Solutions, on her history and current roles in the aviation industry. ATSI Category: S Available on: June 4 (Part 1); June 13 (Part 2) Code No. 853-026 National Transportation Safety BoardTaped at the 12th Annual ARFF Working Group Conference in New Orleans, LA. John Goglia, Board Member, discusses the current role of the National Transportation Safety Board as well as new changes and advancements they are making. ATSI Category: S Available on: June 5 Code No. 854-026 Survivor of AA 1420: Little Rock, ArkansasTaped at the 12th Annual ARFF Working Group Conference in New Orleans, LA. Jeff Arnold, Lieutenant Colonel, Alaska, ANG, discusses his experience and survival of the AA 1420 crash. ATSI Category: A Available on: June 6 Code No. 855-026 Aviation News TodayWatch AAAE’s weekly news show covering aviation events and the people making the news. It’s a great way to keep up with the latest in aviation policy developments. ATSI Category: G Available on: June 7, 14, 21, 28 Code No. ANT-026 (Include segment date when ordering) 2002 AAAE Annual Conference: Executive Committee Showcase Interviews, Parts 1&2Taped at the 74th Annual AAAE Conference and Exposition in Dallas, Texas. Eryn Travis, Director of Communications, Federal Affairs for AAAE, sits down with several members of the AAAE Board of Directors . Part one features Jim Koslosky, Chair, and Bonnie Allin, Second Vice Chair. Part two includes interviews with William Barkhauer, Secretary/Treasurer, Larry Cox, First Past Chair, and James Morasch, Second Past Chair. ATSI Category: G Available on: June 11 (Part 1), June 12 (Part 2) Code No. 856-026 Synthetic Foam Testing, Parts 1-3Taped at the 12th Annual ARFF Working Group Conference in New Orleans, La. Jim Nilo, Fire Chief at Richmond International Airport in Richmond, VA, discusses multiple uses of Synthetic foam as well as several ways to apply it to a fire. ATSI Category: D Available on: June 18 (Part 1); June 19 (Part 2); June 20 (Part 3) Code No. 857-026 Composite Materials in Aircraft Construction, Parts 1-3Taped at the 12th Annual ARFF Working Group Conference in New Orleans, LA. James R. Anderson, Hazerdous Materials Instructor at Butte College in Orangevale, CA, addresses several topics regarding the use of composite materials in aircraft construction. ATSI Category: A Available on: June 25 (Part 1); June 26 (Part 2); June 27 (Part 3) Code No. 858-026 If you have any additional questions about ANTN or suggestions for improving this Web site, please E-mail us or call us at (703) 824-0500: Jim Martin - Staff VP, ANTN/Special Projects Pat Raker - Staff VP, ANTN Wayne Miyata - Production Manager, IET Mike Bachman - Manager, Television Production Travis Barton - Senior Video Editor, IET Amy Rolling - Editor Bill Krumpelman - Senior Cameraman, IET Celeste Ward - Video Editor Jason Hilton - Customer Support Technician Jim Saiya - IET System Developer Hesse Mhango - IET System Developer