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July '99

Listed in order of Date Available:

Federal Perspective on Airports and Y2K

Dana Lakeman of the FAA provides an overview of what the FAA is doing to ensure that airports make a smooth transition into the new millennium.

ATSI Category: D

Available on: July 1

Code No. 677-997

Aviation News Today

Our weekly news show covering aviation events and the people making the news. It’s a great way to keep up with the latest in aviation policy developments.

ATSI Category: G

Available on: July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

ANT-997 (Include segment date when ordering)

Weapons of Mass Destruction (ARFF Working Group Conference ’98), Parts 1-3

Chief Steve Bass of the Dallas Fire Department provides an overview of current federal legislation and initiatives pertaining to training ARFF personnel for dealing with incidents involving weapons of mass destruction.

ATSI Category: A

Available on: July 6 (Part 1); July 7 (Part 2); July 8 (Part 3)

Code No. 678-997

Impact of New Large Aircraft on Airport Design, Parts 1 & 2

Jim Patterson delivers an update on the new large aircraft designs and what airports will need to do to prepare for their imminent arrival.

ATSI Category: E

Available on: July 12 (Part 1); July 13 (Part 2)

Code No. 679-997

Airport Security and FAA’s IPT Deployment, Parts 1 & 2

Ron Polillo of the FAA describes the process of installing and implementing new technological security equipment at airports and its effectiveness.

ATSI Category: S

Available on: July 14 (Part 1); July 15 (Part 2)

Code No. 680-997

Brush Control and Grass Growth Regulators, Parts 1-3

Ray Funkhouser of PBI/Gordon Corporation discusses vegetation management at airports.

ATSI Category: O

Available on: July 19 (Part 1); July 20 (Part 2); July 21 (Part 3)

Code No. 681-997

Training and Technology: Working Together (ARFF Working Group Conference ‘98)

Robert Relyea, president of Crash Rescue Equipment Service, Inc., discusses the importance of training and the need for ARFF personnel to participate in the development of technological advancements in the ARFF industry.

ATSI Category: A

Available on: July 22

Code No. 682-997

Weapons of Mass Destruction— Raising Airport Awareness, Parts 1-3

Kyle Olson, project manager at Research Planning, Inc., explains the initiatives that the various federal agencies have taken to protect airports from the worldwide terrorist threat.

ATSI Category: S

Available on: July 26 (Part 1); July 27 (Part 2); July 28 (Part 3)

Code No. 683-997

Regulatory Review

Each episode of “Regulatory Review” contains an updated report of federal regulatory issues and actions that are likely to impact your airport. In addition to a rundown of regulatory headlines and a special ARFF report, each “review” also includes a topical newsmaker interview with individuals directly responsible for promoting, producing or enforcing aviation regulations.

ATSI Categories: A & S

Available on: July 29

Code No. 577N-996

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Jim Martin - Staff VP, ANTN/Special Projects

Pat Raker - Staff VP, ANTN

Wayne Miyata - Production Manager, IET

Mike Bachman - Manager, Television Production

Travis Barton - Senior Video Editor, IET

Amy Rolling - Editor

Bill Krumpelman - Senior Cameraman, IET

Celeste Ward - Video Editor

Jason Hilton - Customer Support Technician

Jim Saiya - IET System Developer

Hesse Mhango - IET System Developer

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