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ANTN® Program Descriptions

April '02

Listed in order of Date Available:

ANTN Classics

Enjoy the best of ANTN every Monday, when we pull the most popular programs from the ANTN archives and make them available to you again. This month, look for : "SCBA Training, Part 1" on April 1, "SCBA Training, Part 2" on April 8, "SCBA Training, Part 3" on April 15, "SCBA Training, Part 4" on April 22, and "SCBA Training, Part 5" on April 29.

ATSI Categories: O (SCBA Training, Part 1); O (SCBA Training, Part 2); O (SCBA Training, Part 3); O (SCBA Training, Part 4); O (SCBA Training, Part 5).

Available on: April 1 (SCBA Training, Part 1); April 8 (SCBA Training, Part 2); April 15 (SCBA Training, Part 3); April 22 (SCBA Training, Part 4); April 29 (SCBA Training, Part 5).

Code No. 171AK-9610 (April 1); 171AL-9610 (April 8); 171AM-9610 (April 15); 171AN-9610 (April 22); 171AO-9610 (April 29).

Uncertainty and the Outlook for US Air Travel, Parts 1-3

Taped at the 27th Annual FAA Commercial Aviation Forecast Conference in Washington DC. Darryl Jenkins, Director at the Aviation Institute of George Washington University, Bryan Bedford, President and CEO of Chautauqua Airlines, and Brian Clancy, President of Merge Global, discuss the concerns and future of Air Travel in the US with regards to large, regional, and commuter air carriers and cargo.

ATSI Category: S

Available on: April 2 (Part 1); April 3 (Part 2); April 4 (Part 3)

Code No. 843-024

Aviation News Today

Watch AAAE’s weekly news show covering aviation events and the people making the news. It’s a great way to keep up with the latest in aviation policy developments.

ATSI Category: G

Available on: April 5, 12, 19, 29

Code No. ANT-024 (Include segment date when ordering)

Uncertainty and the Outlook for World Air Travel, Parts 1-3

Taped at the 27th Annual FAA Commercial Aviation Forecast Conference in Washington DC. Karl-Heinz Neumeister, Secretary General of the Association of European Airlines, Juan Emilio Posada, CEO of the Association of Latin American Airlines, and Richard Stirland, Director General, of the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines, discuss the concerns and future of air travel from an International perspective. The program focuses on Europe, the North Atlantic, Latin America, and the Pacific/Far East.

ATSI Category: S

Available on: April 9 (Part 1), April 10 (Part 2), April 11 (Part 3)

Code No. 844-024

Fiscal Year 2003 Appropriations, Parts 1-3

Taped at the Annual AAAE/ACI-NA Spring Washington Conference in Washington DC. Peter Rogoff, Senate Transportation Appropriations, Rich Efford, House Transportation Appropriations, and Catheirne Lang, Federal Aviation Administration, discuss the transportation funding issues for FY 2003, security reimbursement and capacity concerns.

ATSI Category: D

Available on: April 16 (Part 1); April 17 (Part 2); April 18 (Part 3)

Code No. 845-024

Timing the Next Growth Cycle, Parts 1 & 2

Taped at the 27th Annual FAA Commercial Aviation Forecast Conference in Washington DC. Nariman Beravetch, Chief Economist at DRI-WEFA, discusses the Economic Outllook in both the US and the World, and John Rodgers, Director of the Office of Aviation Policy and Plans at the FAA, speaks on the FAA Aviation Forecast.

ATSI Category: D

Available on: April 23 (Part 1); April 24 (Part 2)

Code No. 846-024

Human Resources Issues: Episode 21

In the twenty-first installment of this monthly series, host Craig Williams of AAAE and Joseph Kalet, assistant general counsel at Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, explore airport human resources issues.

ATSI Category: D

Available on: April 25

Code No. 727T-024

Security Update: An Overview

Taped at the Annual AAAE/ACI-NA Spring Washington Conference in Washington DC. Stephen McHale, Deputy Under Secretary, Transportation Security Administration, discusses the steps the TSA is taking in regards to Federal Screeners, Federal Security Directors, and the implementation of EDS equipment.

ATSI Category: D

Available on: April 30 (Part 1)

Code No. 847-024

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Jim Martin - Staff VP, ANTN/Special Projects

Pat Raker - Staff VP, ANTN

Wayne Miyata - Production Manager, IET

Mike Bachman - Manager, Television Production

Travis Barton - Senior Video Editor, IET

Amy Rolling - Editor

Bill Krumpelman - Chief Photographer

Celeste Ward - Video Editor

Jason Hilton - Customer Support Technician

Jim Saiya - IET System Developer

Hesse Mhango - IET System Developer

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