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ANTN Program Descriptions
December 2003
(Listed in order of Date Available)

ANTN Classics

    Enjoy the best of ANTN every Monday, when we pull the most popular programs from the ANTN archives and make them available to you again. This month, look for: "Response to a Hazardous Spill and Using a Megher", "Proper Fitting and Testing of Regulators and Mulching Trees", "Putting Polyurethane Adapters to Snow Blades" and "Converting Government Surplus Equipment and Wetlands Relocation", "ARFF Twin Agent Application".

    Available on: December 1 (Response to a Hazardous Spill and Using a Megher); December 8 (Proper Fitting and Testing of Regulators and Mulching Trees); December 15 (Putting Polyurethane Adapters to Snow Blades); December 22 (Converting Government Surplus Equipment and Wetlands Relocation); December 29 (ARFF Twin Agent Application)

    ATSI Categories: A (Response to a Hazardous Spill and Using a Megher); O (Proper Fitting and Testing of Regulators and Mulching Trees); O (Putting Polyurethane Adapters to Snow Blades); O (Converting Government Surplus Equipment and Wetlands Relocation); A (ARFF Twin Agent Application)

    ATSI Numbers: 700282 (Response to a Hazardous Spill and Using a Megher); 500305 (Proper Fitting and Testing of Regulators and Mulching Trees); 500236 (Putting Polyurethane Adapters to Snow Blades); 500306 (Converting Government Surplus Equipment and Wetlands Relocation); 700277 (ARFF Twin Agent Application)

    Code Numbers: 171F-962 (Response to a Hazardous Spill and Using a Megher); 171G-961 (Proper Fitting and Testing of Regulators and Mulching Trees); 171H-963 (Putting Polyurethane Adapters to Snow Blades); 171I-963 (Converting Government Surplus Equipment and Wetlands Relocation); 171J-963 (ARFF Twin Agent Application)

AAAE/ACI-NA Monthly Legislative Update

    Grassroots Communications Manager for AAAE/ACI-NA Legislative Affairs, Bess Stembler, discusses legislative action that is in the works for Congress during the month of December.

    Available on: November 2

    ATSI Category: G

    ATSI Number: 600520

    Code Number: 962-0312

Phase II Storm Water: What Does It Mean for Airports?, Parts 1 & 2

    Taped at the 12th Annual Aircraft and Airfield Deicing Conference and Exposition in Washington, D.C., this panel discussion features Deborah Nagle and Wendy Bell of EPA's Office of Wastewater, Dean Audet of Fuss & O'Neill, and Brenda Pope of Rhode Island Airport Corporation discussing storm water issues at airports.

    Available on: : December 3 (Part 1); December 4 (Part 2)

    ATSI Category: E

    ATSI Number: 200223 (Part 1); 200224 (Part 2)

    Code Number: 963-0312

Aviation News Today

    Watch AAAE's weekly news show covering aviation events and the people making the news. It’s a great way to keep up with the latest in aviation policy developments.

    Available on: December 5, 12, 19, 26

    ATSI Category: NEWS

    ATSI Numbers: 600521 (December 5); 600522 (December 12); 600523 (December 19); 600524 (December 26)

    Code Number: ANT-0312 (Include segment date when ordering)

Deicer and Water Quality Issues at Airports, Parts 1-3

    Taped at the 12th Annual Aircraft and Airfield Deicing Conference and Exposition in Washington, D.C., this panel discussion features Dr. Cliff Rice of the USDA, Jorge Loyo-Rosales and Barbara Losey of the APE Research council. This talk deals with topics of the chemical make up of aircraft de-icers and anti-icers and how the runoff will affect the environment near the airport.

    Available on: December 9 (Part 1); December 10 (Part 2); December 11 (Part 3)

    ATSI Category: E

    ATSI Number: 200225 (December 9); 200226 (December 10); 200227 (December 11)

    Code Number: 964-0312

Security Concerns for Wireless Applications at Airports, Parts 1-3

    Taped at 3rd Annual Wireless Airport Association Conference and Exposition in Washington, D.C., this panel discussion features Royce Kincaid of Northrop Grumman, and Anthony Cerino of Transportation Security Administration. Together they security issues and concerns for those dealing with wireless applications at an airport

    Available on: December 16 (Part 1); December 17 (Part 2); December 18 (Part 3)

    ATSI Category: S

    ATSI Number: 300363 (Part 1); 300364 (Part 2); 300365 (Part 3)

    Code Number: 965-0312

TSA Update, Parts 1 & 2

    Taped at 3rd Annual AAAE/TSA/DHS Aviation Security Summit in Arlington, VA, this program brings the viewer up to date on TSA policies.

    Available on: December 23 (Part 1); December 24 (Part 2)

    ATSI Category: S

    ATSI Number: 300369 (Part 1); 300366 (Part 2)

    Code Number: 966-0312

TSA Perspectives on Policy Operations

    Taped at 3rd Annual AAAE/TSA/DHS Aviation Security Summit in Arlington, VA, this program explains TSA's perspectives on policy operations.

    Available on: December 30 (Part 1); December 31 (Part 2)

    ATSI Category: S

    ATSI Number: 300367 (Part 1); 300368 (Part 2)

    Code Number: 967-0312

If you have any additional questions about ANTN or suggestions for improving this Web site, please E-mail us or call us at (703) 824-0500:

Jim Martin - Staff VP, ANTN/Special Projects

Pat Raker - Staff VP, ANTN

Wayne Miyata - Production Manager, IET

Mike Bachman - Manager, Television Production

Travis Barton - Senior Video Editor, IET

Amy Rolling - Editor

Bill Krumpelman - Chief Photographer

Celeste Ward - Video Editor

Jason Hilton - Customer Support Technician

Jim Saiya - IET System Developer

Hesse Mhango - IET System Developer

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