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ANTN Program Descriptions
June 2004
(Listed in order of Date Available)

Driver Training at the Nations Airports: Runway Rules at San Jose

    Take a ride down the runways of San Jose International Airport and learn about some of the rules and regulations for driving in the movement area.

    Available on: June 1

    ATSI Category: S

    ATSI Number: 300358

    Code Number: 930-038

AAAE Accreditation Video

    The Accreditation Department videotape provides a detailed description of three AAAE programs-accreditation, certification, and CEU (continuing education units). The video is useful to any AAAE member or prospective member who is interested in becoming either a certified member or an accredited airport executive.

    Available on:June 2

    ATSI Category: D

    ATSI Number: 400368

    Code Number: 1000-046

Driver Training at the Nations Airports: Gate Access at Port Columbus Int'l Airport

    Taped at Port of Columbus International Airport, this video provides an overview of the proper procedures for entering and exiting through vehicle gates which lead to the SIDA and AOA.

    Available on:June 3

    ATSI Category: S

    ATSI Number: 300336

    Code Number: 914-035

Aviation News Today

    Watch AAAE's weekly news show covering aviation events and the people making the news. It’s a great way to keep up with the latest in aviation policy developments.

    Available on: June 4, 11, 18, 25

    ATSI Category: NEWS

    ATSI Numbers: 600560 (June 4); 600561 (June 11); 600562 (June 18); 600552 (June 25).

    Code Number: ANT-046 (Include segment date when ordering)

Airports A-Z Interactive

    The popular Airports A-Z series has been re-authored as a series of interactive computer programs. Enjoy the same great programming in a new interactive format with quizzes and easy ATSI logging. This month, look for: "K-9 Security", "Successful Community Relations, Part 1", "Successful Community Relations, Part 2", and "Successful Community Relations, Part 3".

    Available on: June 7 (K-9 Security); June 14 (Successful Community Relations, Part 1); June 21 (Successful Community Relations, Part 2); June 28 (Successful Community Relations, Part 3)

    ATSI Categories: S (K-9 Security); D (Successful Community Relations, Part 1); D (Successful Community Relations, Part 2); D (Successful Community Relations, Part 3)

    ATSI Numbers: 300150 (June 7); 400268 (June 14); 400269 (June 21); 400270 (June 28)

    Code Numbers: 171AE-975974 (June 7); 171AF-969 (June 14); 171AG-969 (June 21); 171AH-969 (June 28)

Disaster Drill at Boston Logan International Airport, Parts 1 & 2

    The drill will take you through a water and land rescue scenario with an aircraft. This program will also feature a pre-drill meeting for all the parties responsible for response during an incident like this.

    Available on: : June 8 (Part 1); June 9 (Part 2)

    ATSI Category: A

    ATSI Number: 700239 (Part 1), 700240 (Part 2)

    Code Number: 816-0110

SIDA Training at the Nations Airports: Escort Procedures at Baltimore Washington International Airport

    Taped at Baltimore Washington International Airport, this video gives a brief overview of both the proper and improper ways to escort non-badged employees on the SIDA.

    Available on: June 10

    ATSI Category: S

    ATSI Number: 300227

    Code Number: 896-032

Pensacola Regional Airport Disaster Drill, Parts 1 & 2

    Taped at Pensacola Regional Airport in Pensacola, Florida, this program will discuss the basis for setting up a training drill at an airport as well as recap the training drill that was performed at Pensacola Regional Airport.

    Available on: June 15 (Part 1); June 16 (Part 2)

    ATSI Category: S

    ATSI Number: 300230 (Part 1); 300231 (Part 2)

    Code Number: 901-032

Operation Prometheus: Boston/Logan International Airport Dirty Bomb Drill

    ANTN was on the spot for this drill that focuses on a dirty bomb disaster exercise as well as operations, investigation procedures and critical evidence retrieval.

    Available on: June 10

    ATSI Category: S

    ATSI Number: 300340

    Code Number: 918-036

Disaster Drill at Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood Int'l Airport, Parts 1-3

    ANTN was on the spot for this drill that focuses on a nighttime disaster exercise as well as operations and family assistance, investigation procedures and critical evidence retrieval.

    Available on: June 22 (Part 1); June 23 (Part 2); June 24 (Part 3)

    ATSI Category: A

    ATSI Number: 700283 (June 22); 700284 (June 23); 700285 (June 24)

    Code Number: 809-018

Night Aircraft Burn at Pittsburgh International Airport

    Taped at the Basic ARFF Training School at Pittsburgh International Airport in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this program will demonstrate different ways to attack a fire for an aircraft incident that has occurred during the night.

    Available on: June 29

    ATSI Category: A

    ATSI Number: 700363

    Code Number: 900-032

On the Inside: Flight Attendant Procedures During an Emergency

    ANTN and Northwest Airlines put together this video program which demonstrates the procedures that a flight attendant must follow during an aircraft emergency. This program was designed to help ARFF personnel understand better what would be happening on the inside of a passenger aircraft in the event of an emergency.

    Available on: June 30

    ATSI Category: A

    ATSI Number: 700227

    Code Number: 737-005

If you have any additional questions about ANTN or suggestions for improving this Web site, please E-mail us or call us at (703) 824-0500:

Jim Martin - Staff VP, ANTN/Special Projects

Pat Raker - Staff VP, ANTN

Wayne Miyata - Production Manager, IET

Mike Bachman - Manager, Television Production

Travis Barton - Senior Video Editor, IET

Amy Rolling - Editor

Bill Krumpelman - Senior Cameraman, IET

Celeste Ward - Video Editor

Jason Hilton - Customer Support Technician

Jim Saiya - IET System Developer

Hesse Mhango - IET System Developer

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