ATSI Numbers
for ANTN® Programming
April '98
S 300066 Airports A to Z
G 600183 FAA Aviation Forecasts: Jane Garvey, Administrator, FAA
G 600184 Aviation News Today
D,O,S 400136,500090,300067 McCarran Int’l Airport Presents:
Plane Talk, Part 21 (Smooth Operations, Part 1)
D,O,S 400137,500091,300068 McCarran Int’l Airport Presents:
Plane Talk, Part 21 (Smooth Operations, Part 2)
D 400138 "Free Flight" from an Air Carrier Perspective
E 200050 The Costs and Benefits of Airport Modernization Projects
G 600185 Aviation News Today
D 400139 Burbank Airport Presents: Plane Facts, Part 21
(UPS Airport Services, Part 1)
D 400140 Burbank Airport Presents: Plane Facts, Part 21
(UPS Airport Services, Part 2)
E,O 200051,500092 Airports A to Z
D 400141 American Airlines/British Airways Proposed Alliance
G 600186 Aviation News Today
A 700102 Classification of Hazardous Materials, Part 7
A 700103 Classification of Hazardous Materials, Part 8
A 700104 Classification of Hazardous Materials, Part 9
D 400142 Enhancing International Competition: The Past and The Future
G 600187 Aviation News Today
D 400143 Open Skies in Europe
D 400144 Passenger Preferences: What the Customer Really Wants
D 400145 Service to Small Communities: Impact of the New Regional Jet
A 700105 Aircraft Familiarization: DeHavilland Dash 8 (Interactive)
Click here for Program Descriptions and Code Numbers (needed for ordering videotape copies)
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Jim Martin - Staff VP, ANTN/Special Projects
Pat Raker - Staff VP, ANTN
Wayne Miyata - Production Manager, IET
Mike Bachman - Manager, Television Production
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Bill Krumpelman - Chief Photographer
Celeste Ward - Video Editor
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Jim Saiya - IET System Developer
Hesse Mhango - IET System Developer