federal affairsAAAE Federal Affairs Department represents airports and advocates for airport interests on Capitol Hill. In addition, the AAAE Federal Affairs Department is the consistent, first and trusted source for accurate information and the latest news on federal affairs for airport executives. The AAAE Federal Affairs Department is widely recognized as an important clearing house of information for airports as well as for its strong presence on Capitol Hill. If you follow aviation issues on Capitol Hill, this page is a valuable resource. This site is updated daily and contains Airport Alerts, Newsletters, Letters to Congress, Testimony and much more.
New Federal Affairs Information
Airport Legislative Membership (ALM)
Annual Reports, Airport Alerts, and ALM Newsletters.
Aviation Legislation Legislative proposals under consideration by the 106th Congress.
Letters, Reports, and Testimony Collection of letters, aviation related testimony and reports written and presented by AAAE.
Budget and Funding Information AIP Entitlement Charts, Annual Appropriations, and other funding related information.
Federal Affairs Archives
Find information that was posted earlier in the year or from previous Congresses.
Useful Sites
Useful sites related to The House of Representatives, The Senate and other congressional offices.